02 January 2014

Eastrop Park, Basingstoke

It is new year now and I am safely tucked in in my bed in the UK, watching Friends, drinking Yorkshire Gold tea and eating a very sweet mince pie, after having done a little cycle ride around the town of Woking and eaten some shells out in a restaurant. This week has been great - a lot of food and sleep, roast lunches and dinners, many cups of tea, reading books and meeting friends.... AND walking in the Eastrop Park in Basingstoke. It was a brilliant sunny day and the park was full of muddy and watery bits, lovely green lawns, lake and fountains (a little bit frozen), trees and also some physical exercise challenges that we tried to pass - it wasn't easy. Here are some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. the photos are lovely...especially the ones with the sunlight peeking thru...


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